Thursday, June 14, 2012

Survival of the Fittest

     It was the middle of the night. Darkness. A storm. Four Taiwanese men rushed to my cage and opened it. I panicked. Four murders and no charges.

     The boat swayed so strong I could barely walk. I eventually tripped over board and it was the fastest fall of my life. I distinctly remember as soon as I hit the water not even remembering the fall. I thought for sure I would die. Waves were higher than any I had seen in my life. 

     Across the monstrous current was a life boat and in it a boy, he seemed familiar. He was looking at me signaling me as if he wanted me to come over. No humans had displayed this signal towards me before. I was scared and I had no idea what to expect, was it a trap? I choose to take my chances and swam to the boat it was the longest swim of my life. I retreated under a tarp he did not notice me. Thankfully.

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