Thursday, June 14, 2012


Our background is of a tiger diving into the water with its jaw wide open.  This shows a tiger’s most dominant instinct of hunting and reflects the stereotype of their violent behaviour.
The picture in “Survival of the Fittest” is for comic relief for an otherwise depressing and intense blog. The picture in “BEASTMODE” is of meerkats and is used as a visual aid for the reader as most people are not familiar with the appearance of a meerkat.  The picture of the beach in “Hope Sweet Home” adds a visual aspect to the ending of the miraculous journey that has just been endured.

The song “Why Can’t We Be Friends” emphasized Richard Parkers need for social interaction both with Pi and his own kind.  The song “Bodies” demonstrates Richard Parker’s vicious attack instincts and the savagery inside of him and all animals.  Throughout the rest of the blogs we have developed empathy towards him and given him human qualities and emotions this song/blog provides a sense of reality to the reader and reassures them of Richard Parker’s animal-like behaviour.

     Three websites that Richard Parker would be interested in included a webpage about include the subjects of food, hunting and humans. Richard Parker is obviously heavily interested in food. He is a 450 pound carnivore. He devours anything at every chance he gets. Hunting also comes naturally to Richard Parker. He is a tiger. Tigers hunt. They are natural hunters and it is their only way of getting food, so it makes sense that Richard Parker would have some interest in it. He would also have taken an interest to humans. Richard Parker was stuck on the boat with Pi for 227 days. There is no doubt that he was intrigued by Pi. He probably wanted to learn more about Pi, so he would have done some research on humans if he could have.

     Overall, this blog was meant to be bold and representational of the novel Life of Pi and portray events from the book in the eyes of Richard Parker. 

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